²¤ÂÜÊÓƵapp | Sixth Form - Exam Results


Exam Results

Exam results

A-level results 2023

This summer saw ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵapp’s A-level students secure yet another impressive set of exam results. Based on data from the Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM), the continued hard work of pupils and staff places the College in the top handful of private schools nationally; a remarkable achievement given the downward pressure placed by exam boards on the top grades for this year group. Our students came in to celebrate their hard-earned success with teachers and friends on our Results Day, and many have since been awarded well-deserved positive re-marks.

A specific mention must be made of the College’s Value-Added results, since this data offers the best indicator of our students’ performance. Rather than focussing on national league tables, at ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵapp we measure student success against their own potential as we strive to help every individual achieve their own personal best. This ethos is key to our Challenge Grade System, and ultimately at the core of a ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵapp education.

Our Upper Sixth students leave ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵapp well-prepared to embark on the next stage of their education. Many now head to their first-choice universities, including Oxbridge, Durham, Bath, and Bristol, to study a wide variety of degrees ranging from Languages and Philosophy to Natural Sciences and Mathematics.