Senior Management Team
Head of College
Mr Dominic W Mott, MA Queens’ College, Cantab, Spanish
Chief Financial Officer | Bursar
Mr Darren J Carpenter, BA Brighton
Deputy Head of College
Mr Lloyd P Dannatt, MEng Imperial College, London, Physics
Chief Operating Officer
Mr Dan M Higgins, BA, Cert Ed Loughborough, Design Technology
The Rev’d Dr Janneke Blokland, MSc, PhD Nijmegen; BA Utrecht; MA Nottingham, Physics
Head of Sixth Form
Mr Brian T Schofield, BA Pembroke College, Oxon, Politics
Head of Middle School
Mr Owain J Jones, MA St Edmund Hall, Oxon, Biology
Head of Senior Prep
Mr Simon D Lilley, BSc Loughborough; MA Buckingham, PE & Sports Science
Head of Junior Prep
Mr Nick J Oakden, BA Wales; MEd Buckingham, NPQH, Mathematics
Deputy Head Pastoral
Mrs Caty E Jacques, BSc Surrey, Chemistry
Deputy Head Co-Curricular
Miss Ellie F Calver, Worcester College, Oxon, Music
Deputy Head Academic
Dr Graham Moir, BA, PhD Trinity College, Dublin, Maths
Deputy Head Staff Development
Mr Peter A Browne, BSc Leeds & Sussex, Chemistry